KMID : 0602720090130040230
Implantology 2009 Volume.13 No. 4 p.230 ~ p.237
Management of Active Implant Periapical Lesion; A Case Report
Seo Go-Eun
Jeong Ji-A Song Jun-Ho Park Sang-Jun Lee Soo-Woon
Implant periapical lesion could be produced by various reasons and the treatment method is controversial now. The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for a lesion at the apical portion of a nonmobile dental implant. In this case, one of the implant had periapical lesion identified radiogrphically. The implant periapical lesions was treated by periapical surgery with curettage, irrigation, detoxification, neutralization, infection control. And the implant treated with this technique was remained stable and continued in function with no further complication. So we report a case of implant periapical lesion and the treatment, along with three years follow up result.
Implant Periapical Lesion, Peri-implantitis, Management
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