KMID : 0602720100140020096
Implantology 2010 Volume.14 No. 2 p.96 ~ p.110
Evaluation of Crestal Bone Loss around Dental Implant with Various Bone Graft
Park Jin-Young
Kim Young-Kyun
A total of 246 patients (648 implants) treated with bone grafting and implant placement from June 2003 to May 2007 were evaluated. We investigated bone grafting methods, bone grafting materials, implantation type (immediate implantation after extraction or delayed implantation, submerged or non-submerged), healing time after implantation, when to start loading, the type of final prosthesis and implant failure. We evaluated the marginal bone loss one year after loading and the final recall time with a scaling tool provided in digital radiography. The crestal bone loss one year after loading and final recall time (31.75¡¾12.09 months after loading) were 0.15¡¾0.43 mm and 0.31¡¾0.65 mm, respectively. The crestal bone loss had no statistically significant relationship with the healing time after implantation or the occlusal loading timing (p>.05). The vertical augmentation guided bone regeneration and nasal floor augmentation methods showed more bone loss than other bone grafting techniques (p<.05). The overdenture and fixed hybrid denture showed large crestal bone loss around the dental implant (p<.05). Immediate implantation made no significant difference in bone loss one year after loading but showed less bone loss at the final recall time (p<.05). Bone grafting materials, implant placement time with bone grafting (simultaneous or delayed), and implantation type (submerged or non-submerged) had no significant difference in crestal bone loss (p>.05). In conclusion, the occlusal loading timing had no significant association with crestal bone loss around the dental implant, but bone grafting methods and the final prosthesis type showed significant differences in crestal bone loss.
bone graft, implant, occlusal loading timing
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