KMID : 0602720110150020124
Implantology 2011 Volume.15 No. 2 p.124 ~ p.131
Usefulness of the Intraoral Incision Using Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Laser
Cho Young-Seung
Kim Su-Gwan You Jae-Seek Moon Seong-Yong Oh Ji-Su
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to irradiate the lingual sides of adult dogs with an Er:YAG or Nd:YAG laser and to compare their healing processes by histological evaluation.
Materials and Methods: Both lingual sides of adults dogs were resected with Er:YAG laseror Nd:YAG laser by varying the output to be 1.5 W or 3 W. The animals were sacrificed after 1 week or 2 weeks, and tissues were obtained and examined histologically both macroscopically and under a light microscope.
Results: The following results were obtained: 1. No significant macroscopic differences between the groups irradiated with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers were detected after 1 week or 2 weeks, and similar wound healing features were observed. 2. In the Er:YAG laser group, in comparison with the findings after 1 week, the histological defect size after 2 weeks was observed to be noticeably smaller. 3. The Er:YAG laser group showed narrower distributions of defect size, fibroblast proliferative activity, inflammation, and neovascularization than the Nd:YAG lasergroup, although the differences were not statistically significant. Based on the above results, resections performed with an Er:YAG laser showed good healing features comparable to those observed for resections performed with a Nd:YAG laser, which has been used primarily for incisions in soft tissues.
Conclusion: Thus, an Er:YAG laser may also be useful for the incision of soft tissues.
histology, laser, surgery
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