KMID : 0602720180220040210
Implantology 2018 Volume.22 No. 4 p.210 ~ p.218
Soft Tissue Measurement Method Using Radiopaque Material on Cone-beam Computed Tomography: An Ex Vivo Validation Study
Lee Hae-Seok
Yun Jeong-Ho Lee Dong-Won
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reproducibility of a method based on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) technology for the visualization and measurement of gingival soft-tissue dimensions.
Material and Methods: A total of 66 selected points in soft-tissue of the ex vivo head of an adult pig were investigated in this study. For the measurement of radiographic thickness (RT), wet softtissue surfaces were lightly covered with barium sulfate powder using a powder spray. CBCT was taken and DICOM files were assessed for soft-tissue thickness measurement at reference points. A periodontal probe and a rubber stop were used for the measurement of trans-gingival probing thickness (TPT). After flap elevation, actual thickness of soft-tissue (actual thickness, AT) was measured. Correlation analysis and intraclass correlation coefficients analysis (ICC) were performed for AT, TPT, and RT.
Results: All variables were distributed normally. Strong significant correlations of AT with RT and TPT values were found. The two ICC values between TPT vs. AT and RT vs. AT differed significantly.
Conclusion: Our results indicated that correlation of RT was stronger than that of TPT with AT. We concluded that soft tissue measurement with CBCT could be a reliable method, compared to the trans-gingival probing measurement method.
Cone-beam computed tomography, Dimensional Measurement Accuracy, Imaging
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