KMID : 0602720180220040220
Implantology 2018 Volume.22 No. 4 p.220 ~ p.235
Alveolar Ridge Preservation of Maxillary Molars for Implant Placement Without Sinus Lift Surgery: Case series
Cho Hag-Yeon
Suh Chang-Wan Duong Hieu Pham Lee Sung-Jo Cho In-Woo Shin Hyun-Seung Koo Ki-Tae Fickl Stefan Park Jung-Chul
Sinus lift procedure is frequently required for the maxillary molar implant placement. Previous studies have demonstrated alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) can maintain the dimensions of ridge height and width. However, there is a lack of studies which evaluated the effect of ARP to avoid sinus lift procedure. Purpose of this study is to describe a method reducing the need of sinus lift surgery by ARP in maxillary molar areas and to assess the feasibility clinically, radiologically and histologically. Ten maxillary molars in ten patients had severe vertical bone resorption with minimal residual bone height. They were considered having the high possibility of the necessity of sinus lift procedure for dental implant after the extraction. After extraction, open healing ARP with deproteinized bovine bone mineral mixed with 10% collagen and resorbable collagen membranes was performed. After sufficient healing, dental implants were placed, and evaluated clinically and radiologically. Histological observation was conducted just before the implantation in one patient. Implants were successfully placed without sinus lift in all ten cases. All the implants were restored with no sign of complications, and patients are now in a close follow-up up to 20 months postloading. Histological observation showed minimal inflammatory reaction and newly formed bone was substantially noted. The ARP technique has successfully avoided the sinus lift surgeries. It appears that this procedure may improve the simplicity of the clinical process for the clinicians and reduce the discomfort of patients.
Alveolar bone loss, Alveolar ridge augmentation, Bone regeneration, Bone substitutes, Dental implants, Maxillary sinus
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