KMID : 0602720180220040236
Implantology 2018 Volume.22 No. 4 p.236 ~ p.241
Spontaneous Discharge of a Dental Implant Displaced Into Maxillary Sinus: A Case Report
Cho Seung-Yeon
Kim Su-Yeon Kim In-Soo Lee Won
This case report is to report an extraordinary case of the spontaneous discharge of a dental implant. A 45-year-old woman was referred to our department complaining of symptoms of acute Maxillary sinusitis. She underwent a computed tomography scan that revealed a dental implant dislocated in the maxillary sinus. A preoperative medical treatment [Amoxicillin - Clavulanate (375 mg) and Streptokinase-Streptodornase (12500IU)] three times a day for two weeks was administered in order to prepare her for surgery. Unexpectedly, she reported that she had discharged the implant from mouth in the early morning. Mucociliary clearance in combination with a local osteolytic inflammatory process and mucolytics therapy are the likely causes of this unusual discharge.
Dental implant, Displacement, Spontaneous discharge, Maxillary sinus
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