KMID : 0602720200240010022
Implantology 2020 Volume.24 No. 1 p.22 ~ p.30
Vestibuloplasty around Dental Implants Using Modified Periosteal Fenestration (mPF): Case Series
Lee Won-Pyo
Kwon Young-Sun
Severe plaque accumulation might occur in the shallow vestibule around dental implants, resulting in a higher occurrence of peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis. This case series aimed to evaluate the efficiency of modified periosteal fenestration (mPF) for treating a patient with a shallow vestibule and reduced width of attached mucosa around dental implants. The mPF technique was performed by modifying the traditional periosteal fenestration method. Initially, the partial-thickness apically positioned flap (APF) was performed. After that, horizontal parallel periosteal fenestration incision was done from the coronal border of the APF toward the crown of the implant at 2 mm. A full thickness flap elevation in the apical direction was performed to create an osseous exposure of 2 mm or more from the incision site. A linear island of denuded bone was thus produced. The wound so created was covered with resorbable periodontal pack. In all three patients, sufficient dimension of attached mucosa and deepened vestibule around dental implants were gained and maintained during the follow-up period ranging from 12 to 18 months. Thus, the mPF procedure, which we first suggested, might be a powerful alternate treatment modality for vestibuloplasty around dental implants, to traditional APF only or free gingival graft procedures.
Apically positioned flap, Free gingival graft, Periosteal fenestration, Vestibuloplasty
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