KMID : 0602720200240010031
Implantology 2020 Volume.24 No. 1 p.31 ~ p.39
Free Gingival Graft to Gain Peri-implant Keratinized Mucosa
Lee Jung-Won
Lee Jun-Beom Lee Yong-Moo
This case report presents three cases of free gingival graft around implants to increase the keratinized mucosa. The inadequate keratinized mucosa around implants could be increased following the free gingival graft procedure. The sufficient keratinized mucosa around implants can facilitate the prosthetic procedure and allow the patient to maintain good oral hygiene without any discomfort or pain during tooth brushing. Lingualized incision was given and partial thickness flap was performed in the recipient site and autogenous graft harvested from palatal gingiva was sutured. Then, prosthetic procedure was performed 2 months after the free gingival graft. The autogenous graft of palatal gingiva increased the width of keratinized mucosa around implants with mild shrinkage.
Free gingiva graft, Dental implant, Keratinized mucosa, Peri-implant health
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