KMID : 0602720200240040193
Implantology 2020 Volume.24 No. 4 p.193 ~ p.202
Implant Placement Using Alveolar Ridge Split in Atrophic Maxillary Alveolar Bone
Chee Young-Deok
If the volume of the horizontal alveolar bone is insufficient during the implant procedure, it is difficult to establish a fixture of the required diameter without surgical procedures such as block bone graft, lateral bone graft, and ridge split. Among them, alveolar ridge split is known as an effective technique to increase the volume of the horizontal alveolar bone using maxillary bone elasticity. The theoretical background of this technique is to provide a basis for maintaining the implant with the expectation that new bone will form when the implant and bone graft material are operated, forming a space surrounded by the bone and periosteum. In two cases reported herein, there was no postoperative inflammatory reaction and normal healing was observed. Since then, the follow-up radiograph has shown good outcomes, and ongoing progress is being observed. Alveolar ridge split and bone graft are effective techniques for horizontal alveolar augmentation. In these cases, it was actually possible to form a stable alveolar ridge for implant placement through a successful procedure in the maxillary edentulous region.
Alveolar ridge split, Dental implant, Guided bone regeneration
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