KMID : 0602720230270010029
Implantology 2023 Volume.27 No. 1 p.29 ~ p.37
Surgical Removal of Dental Implants Dislocated Into the Mandibular Body
Lee Pa-Ran
Seo Mi-Hyun
considerable success, several complications have been reported. Regarding inferior alveolar nerve damage, the severity of damage is the most critical factor affecting the prognosis. Patients with poor-quality bone are at risk for nerve damage even if the distance from the alveolar crest to the inferior alveolar nerve canal is sufficient to prevent nerve damage. Herein, we report two cases of accidental insertion of a dental implant into the inferior alveolar canal. In both cases, the displaced implant was removed using a piezosurgery device without causing excessive bone defects. Therefore, good bone healing was achieved without plate fixation. Inferior alveolar nerve damage recovered in both patients.
Dental implant, Iatrogenic injury, Inferior alveolar nerve
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