KMID : 0603920060140020039
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2006 Volume.14 No. 2 p.39 ~ p.47
The Effects of Implementation of Multisensory Environments(Snoezelen) on the Emotional State of College Students
Lee Ji-Yeon
Yoo Eun-Young
Objective : This study aims to investigate the effect of Snoezelen (multisensory environment) on the mood state in college students.
Methods : 155 college students were randomly allocated into either a individual or group therapy for Snoezelen. Participants received a session of Snoezelen for 30 minutes, and they were evaluated with the Campus Life Stress Scale and Profile of Mood State (POMS).
Results : The mean POMS score was significantly decrease from 103 to 69 after the Snoezelen program. However, there was no significant difference between individual therapy and group therapy on the POMS score. The scores of mood state and stress showed positive relationship.
Conclusion : We realized that the use of snoezelen had a positive effect on the mood state. Thus the current study indicates the potential for future research into stress management.
Mood state, Multisensory environment (Snoezelen), Stress
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