KMID : 0603920090170010049
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2009 Volume.17 No. 1 p.49 ~ p.61
The Effect of Visual Perception Training on the Balance of Stroke Patients Using Dynavision
Nam Goong-Kang
Kim Bit-Na Jeon Cho-Rong Choi Ha-Ee-Yarn Lee Jae-Shin
Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate balance score changes of repeated measurements of stroke patients who received visual perception training using Dynavision 2000.
Methods : As a single subject research design, the participants were five stroke patients with visual percep-tion deficits and poor balance. The employed program included receiving visual perception training using Dynavision 2000, and measuring balance score changes using Tetrax for 6 weeks, including baseline and in-tervention periods. The subjects¡¯ visual perception, activity of daily living skills, and repeated Tetrax meas-urements for balance ability were analyzed. The analyses were performed visually and using SPSS including the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test.
Results : During the intervention periods, the participants improved their standing balance as well as in-creased their visual perception and activity of daily living skills. Their improved balance skills continued during the follow-up period. Statistically significant differences were found in changes of balance and activ-ities of daily living skills.
Conclusion : Visual perception training using Dynavision 2000 can be an effective method to improve the balance and activities of daily living skills of stroke patients.
Dynavision 2000, Tetrax portable multiple system, Activity of daily living, Balance, Dynavision 2000, Stroke, Tetrax portable multiple system, Visual perception training
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