KMID : 0603920150230010041
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2015 Volume.23 No. 1 p.41 ~ p.52
A Study on the Cognition Improvement and Self-efficacy of Stroke Patients Through Visual¡¤Auditory Categorization Training
Song Seung-Il
Kim Hwan Kwon Hyuk-Cheol Cho Young-Nam Lee Sun-Wook
Objective : This study examined the impact of eight-week categorization training on the attention, memory, andself-efficacy of stroke patients with cognitive and psychological difficulties.
Methods : Thirty stroke patients who were divided into an experimental group and a control group participated inthis study from December 2013 to March 2014. Attention and memory changes were measured using aComputerized Neurocognitive Function test (CNT), and their self-efficacy was evaluated using the general andspecific self-efficacy scale.
Results : The findings indicate that, first, there was a significant difference in attention, memory, and generalself-efficacy changes in both groups when comparing before and after the intervention. Second, after theintervention, the memory of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control. In contrast,attention and self-efficacy did not differ between both groups.
Conclusion : When considering the categorization training with improved memory function of the participants, wesuggest that further studies will be needed to examine more extensive cognitive functions and occupationalperformance with a larger sample size.
Attention, Categorization training, Memory, Self-efficacy, Stroke
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