KMID : 0603920150230010085
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2015 Volume.23 No. 1 p.85 ~ p.94
The Effects of Multistrategic Memory Training on Memory, Metamemory and Depression in Older Adults
Lee Yu-Na
Park Ji-Hyuk Park Soo-Hyun
Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of multi-strategic memory training onmemory, metamemory, and depression in older adults.
Methods : For eleven older adults with Subjective Memory Complaints (SMCs), we executed multi-strategicmemory training for a 10 week period. This program consisted of 10 sessions, once a week, with 90 minutes persession. Before and after the program, we examined the effects of this memory training on their memory,metamemory, and depression.
Results : After the program, the subjects showed significant changes in their Word List Memory, Word List Recall,Constructional Praxis, and Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire-Strategy (MMQ -S), Short form GeriatricDepression Scale-Korean version (S-GDS-K) scores.
Conclusion : The results of this study show that a multi-strategic memory training for older adults with subjectivememory complaints is a useful therapeutic approach.
Depression, Memory, Metamemory, Multistrategic memory training, Older adults, Subjective memory complaints
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