KMID : 0603920150230010109
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2015 Volume.23 No. 1 p.109 ~ p.121
Occupational Therapists¡¯ Use of Evidence-Based Practice : Phenomenological Study
Shin Hyeon-Hui
Kim Kyeong-Mi
Objective : The purpose of this research was to study how to use the evidence-based practice of occupationaltherapists in a hospital setting.
Methods : The participants included eight occupational therapists working in hospitals. The data were collectedthrough in-depth interviews conducted from November 2013 to December 2013. The interviews were taperecorded and transcribed verbatim. The data were analyzed using Giorgi¡¯ s phenomenological analysis and theATLAS.ti software program.
Results : The results of this study consist of 84 manageable units, 14 sub-structures, and seven structures. Thecomponents regarding the occupational therapists¡¯ use of evidence- based occupational therapy were ¡®searchingthe data¡¯, ¡®information from practice¡¯, ¡®advice¡¯, and ¡®client preference¡¯. In addition, components regarding thebarriers were a ¡®lack of ability¡¯, ¡®poor motivation¡¯, and ¡®a restrictive hospital environment¡¯.
Conclusion : To facilitate evidence-based occupational therapy, activation of education and an improvement in thehospital environment are needed.
Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy (EBOT), Occupational therapist, Phenomenological study
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