KMID : 0603920160240040001
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2016 Volume.24 No. 4 p.1 ~ p.14
The Effects of Virtual Reality Therapy on Executive Function and Balance for Stroke Patients : A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Heo Seo-Yoon
Lee Hyo-Jeong Ham Ae-Ji Kim You-Na Jeong Si-Nae Kim Kyeong-Mi
Objective : The main focus of this study was to provide evidence of improvements in the executive function and balance for stroke patients using virtual reality therapy. Methods : A total of 64 participants diagnosed as having a stroke were randomly assigned to a virtual reality therapy group or a video observation group. Intervention for the VRT(Virtual Reality Therapy) group used a Nintendo¨Þ Wii FitTM for 20 minutes, three days a week, for five weeks. The VO(Video Observation) group watched a demo clip for the same number of times and duration. Both groups were treated with additional conventional occupational and physical therapy for 20 minutes during the same session. To investigate the clinical features, the Korean versions of the Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale(BDS-K), Functional Reaching Test(FRT), and Timed Up And Go test(TUG) were used. Results : The BDS-K score after intervention was increased more for the VRT group than for the VO group, the difference of which was significant (p<.05). For the changes after intervention, the VRT participants showed significant improvements in BDS-K, FRT, and TUG (p<.05). Conclusion : The clinical features of virtual reality therapy include repetitions of whole-body movements, and provide positive effects in terms of executive functions and balance for stroke patients. This study suggests an evidence-based clinical use of virtual reality application for therapists.
Balance, Executive function, Stroke, Virtual reality
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