KMID : 0603920160240040069
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2016 Volume.24 No. 4 p.69 ~ p.79
Comparison Between Patient Ability and Caregiver Awareness for ADL of Stroke Patients
Cho, Eun-Suk
Park Ju-Hean Ko June Park Do-Hoon Lee Seung-Hee Hong Ki-Hoon Lee Chun-Yeop
Objective : The present study was conducted to compare the real ability of stroke patients with the awareness of their caregiver in terms of the patients¡¯ ADL ability.
Methods : For the present study, the Korean Modified Barthel Index(K-MBI) was used. It was executed for 95 stroke patients and caregivers. The researchers observed the ADL of the patients, and caregivers filled out a document. An independent t-test was used to analyze the data.
Results : When the real ADL ability of a patient is better than the awareness of the caregiver, a statistically significant difference (p<.05) was shown. For the real ADL ability of the patient, the mean and standard deviations are 78.65¡¾14.55, and for the awareness of the caregiver, the mean and standard deviations are 70.89¡¾15.35. When the awareness of the caregiver is better than the real ADL ability of the patient, a statistically significant difference (p<.05) was shown. In this case, for the real ADL ability of the patient, the mean and standard deviations are 69.63¡¾9.82, and for the awareness of the caregiver, the mean and standard deviations are 76.11¡¾10.72.
Conclusion : The results show that the real ADL ability of a patient and the awareness of their caregiver are different. We suggest that a further study is needed to come up with detailed measures for improving the independence of the patients.
ADLs, Caregiver, Stroke
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