KMID : 0603920160240040121
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2016 Volume.24 No. 4 p.121 ~ p.134
Study on the Needs and Experiences in Using Powered Wheelchair by Severely Disabled People : Based on Focus Group Interview
Woo Ji-Hee
Jang Wan-Ho Kim Jong-Bae
Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify the needs and experiences of severely disabled people in using a powered wheelchair through a focus group interview.
Methods : Five severely disabled people using a powered wheelchair were recruited. The interview employed a question-asking method modified from the question-asking method presented by Krueger and Casey. The contents of the interview were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using Krueger¡¯s principle.
Results : The subjects experienced defects of the wheelchair itself, problems regarding the components of the powered wheelchair, and wheelchair follow-up service. Accordingly, they want to enlarge the assistive technology service involving a wheelchair user assessment and proper prescription, and improvements in the supporting and propulsion structure of a powered wheelchair. Financial support concerning powered wheelchair payments and expenses for a follow-up service are also expected. Occupational therapist are considering a wheelchair user belong to the environment, the desired activity and user¡¯s function when wheelchair prescriptions must be provided proper propulsion component and support structure such as power seat function. (note from editor, unfortunately, the red text is not clear. If you can revise itI can check your revision).
Conclusions : This study presented a point to be considered who occupational therapist able to prescribe using powered wheelchair with severely disabled people. and will be used as basic data have led to institutional change for effective assistive technology services(note from editor, this part is also unclear).
Focus group interview, Needs and experiences using powered wheelchair, Severe disabled people
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