KMID : 0603920170250040087
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2017 Volume.25 No. 4 p.87 ~ p.100
The Education of Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice in Korea
Kim Kyeong-Mi
Chang Ki-Yeon Lee Hyang-Sook Chang Moon-Young Kim Hwan Hong Eun-Kyoung
Objective: Aim is to try to examine the solution the problems in the view of clinical practice educator after trying to investigating the point of the present situation and problems, solutions of the occupational therapy programs in Korea.
Methods: The questionnaires were analyzed by using e-mail and smart phone from 99 clinical practice educators from May 9 to May 17. 2016
Results: The rehabilitation hospital was the highest ratio in clinical practice education type. The problems of the clinical practice education form the viewpoint the clinical practice educator were high in the lack of basic academic ability and essential knowledge of the students. The solutions were high in suggestion guideline of contents of clinical practice education at the level association and the students' essential competency according to clinical practice level. The problems of the clinical practice education form the viewpoint the clinical practice institution were high in the lack of time for tutoring the students and limitation on evaluation and therapy training according to institutional regulations. The solutions were high in activation of regular meeting and education for clinical practice educators at the association level and exemption (substitute) from regular time for the clinical practice educator.
Conclusion: This study investigated the current status and problems of clinical practice education in occupational therapy, and suggested various solutions to be solved in the future.
Clinical practice education, Clinical practice educator, Occupational therapy
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