KMID : 0603920170250040101
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2017 Volume.25 No. 4 p.101 ~ p.111
Improvement of Occupational Therapy Services Based on Factors Related to Quality of Life of Hospitalized and Outpatient With Schizophrenia
Kim Ju-Hee
Park Ha-Eun Yoo Eun-Young Park Ki-Chang
Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for services provided to schizophrenia patients in the area of occupational therapy by analyzing factors on the quality of life of schizophrenia patients in a comprehensive manner.
Methods: The subjects were 68 schizophrenia patients diagnosed by specialists in the dept of psychiatry. Among them, 31 were in-patient and 37 were out-patient. One-on-one interviews were carried out on the qualified subjects. A correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were also conducted.
Results: As a result, the factors affecting the quality of life of schizophrenia patients include the final education level, occupation, social support, symptom, and function. For the in-patients, their symptoms, functionality, and social supports showed a significant effect. For the out-patients, their final education level, self-esteem and social support showed a significant effect.
Conclusion: This study is significant in that it analyzed the factors diversely affecting the quality of life, which are important targets for the treatment of schizophrenia patients. It is expected that this study can provide the basis of an occupational therapy service for an improvement of the quality of life in the area of psychiatric rehabilitation.
Correlation analysis, Multiple regression analysis, Occupational therapy, Quality of life, Schizophrenia
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