KMID : 0603920190270040001
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.1 ~ p.13
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Occupational Therapy for Persons With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia
Park Chang-Hwan
Kwon Kyu-Joon Kim Su-Kyoung
Objective: This study aimed to systematically review occupational therapy intervention methods for an improvementin the activity and participation of persons with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.
Method: The search terms, ¡°Occupational therapy¡± and ¡°Dementia¡± or ¡°Mild Cognitive Impairment¡± and ¡°Participation,¡±¡°ÀÛ¾÷Ä¡·á¡± and ¡°Ä¡¸Å¡± or ¡°°æµµÀÎÁöÀå¾Ö¡± and ¡°Âü¿©,¡± were used to search the literature published between 2001 and2018. For the international studies, we used MEDLINE, EMBASE, cochrane CENTRAL, and PubMed, and forKorean studies, KISS, RISS, NDSL, KMBASE, and KiSTi were used.
Result: From the eight papers selected, international studies were found to be of higher quality than Korean studies.
The most common intervention targets were persons with Alzheimer's type dementia. Common occupationaltherapy interventions were community occupational therapy and client-centered approaches. Interventions werenoted to often take place in a home environment. There were a larger number of studies on measuring the levelof activity compared to studies measuring the participation. Along with activity and participation, cognitive functionwas the most measured area.
Conclusion: In this study, occupational therapy intervention methods to improve the activity and participation ofpersons with mild cognitive impairment or dementia are increasing in number, and a client-centered approach isbeing made as the occupational therapy environment extends from hospitals to communities, although to aninsufficient degree. Thus, more research is needed to improve the activities and participation of persons with mildcognitive impairment or dementia.
Mild cognitive impairment, Occupational therapy, Participation, Dementia, Activity
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