KMID : 0603920190270040015
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.15 ~ p.29
Systematic Review of Occupational Therapist¡¯s Home-based Intervention for Stroke Patients
Lim Young-Myoung
Cha Tae-Hyun
Objective: In this study, a systematic review of overseas literature of the methods and effects of home-basedinterventions conducted by occupational therapists in the home environment of the stroke patients was applied.
Methods: Data searches were conducted using the MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Pubmed databases. A total of 13 studieswere included in the final analysis. Based on the research included in the analysis, the data were extracted andanalyzed systematically by applying a Risk of bias assessment and the PICO method.
Results: In the 13 studies included in the analysis, occupational therapists were involved in home-basedinterventions. Occupational therapists in home-based interventions consisted of inÀÓ¿©dividual intervention andmultidisciplinary rehabilitation teams. The occupational therapist has a role in selecting and improving the dailyliving, meaningful activities, and goal activities of stroke patients against the background of their homeenvironment.
Conclusion: In the home-based intervention of stroke patients, occupational therapists are mostly applyingclient-centered intervention to facilitate activity and participation. It is expected that this study can be used asevidence for the role of occupational therapists in applying home-based intervention appropriate for domesticcircumstances
Home-based intervention, Stroke, Occupational therapy, Systematic review
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