KMID : 0603920190270040031
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.31 ~ p.43
Effects of a Community-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy Based on Occupational Therapy in Elderly People With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Ham Min-Joo
Hong Deok-Gi Moon Kyung-Up Jeon Byoung-Jin
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of community-based cognitive rehabilitationtherapy based on occupational therapy applied to cognitive function, physical function, and occupationalperformance in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
Methods: We conducted group cognitive rehabilitation therapy in 10 public health centers in Gangwon-do, over aperiod of approximately 9 months, from March 1 to November 31, 2016. The intervention was provided to 95subjects in total, one session per week, 120 min per session, for an average of 20.8 sessions. We compared thecognitive function, physical flexibility, balance ability, and occupational performance of the subjects.
Results: In the testing of cognitive function, the MMSE-DS attention scores improved significantly. In terms ofphysical function, there was a significant shortening of the measured distance in the wall test, which measures theflexibility. In the balance testing, the measured time during a one-legged standing test improved significantly, andthe measured time during a 10-foot timed walk test was significantly shortened. In the occupational performancetesting, COPM occupational performance scores improved significantly.
Conclusion: Occupational therapy-based group cognitive rehabilitation therapy was shown to be effective atmaintaining and improving the attention, physical flexibility, balance ability, and occupational performance inelderly people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, suggesting that this treatment method can be utilizedas a community-based clinical model.
Mild cognitive impairment, Cognitive rehabilitation, Community, Dementia
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