KMID : 0603920190270040045
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.45 ~ p.56
Validity and Reliability of Tablet PC-Based Cognitive Assessment Tools for Stroke Patients
Lee Jung-Min
Won Jung-Hee Chang Moon-Young
Purpose: In this study, we compared Tablet PC-based cognitive assessment tools with MMSE-K and MoCA-K forpeople with cerebrovascular disease to examine their validity and test-retest reliability.
Method: The study was conducted from June 18, 2018 to September 16, 2018, and covered 67 subacute strokepatients who were admitted to the Ulsan-based General Hospital and are receiving occupational therapy. Theassessment used MMSE-K, MoCA-K, and Tablet PC-based cognitive assessment tools. The validity andconfidence of the test-retest were verified through a Pearson's correlation.
Result: The results of the validity analysis show that the correlation coefficient between the Tablet PC-basedcognitive assessment tool and MMSE-K was r = .85, The correlation coefficient for MoCA-K was r = .86, whichis highly feasible. The reliability was verified with r = .97.
Conclusion: Through this study, we were able to verify the validity and reliability of Tablet PC-based cognitiveassessment tools. Therefore, it is expected that such tools will be available for clinical use as a cognitiveassessment approach.
Mild cognitive disorder, Cerebrovascular patient, Cognitive level assessment, MMSE-K, MoCA-K, Tablet PC
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