KMID : 0603920190270040057
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.57 ~ p.68
Analysis of Rating Scale of Korean Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth Using the Rasch Model
Jeong Yun-Wha
Hong Deok-Gi
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a rating scale of the Korean Participation and Environment Measurefor Children and Youth (KPEM-CY) by applying the Rasch model.
Methods: The KPEM-CY data were collected from 184 parents of children 5 to 13 years in age. The KPEM-CYrating scales (participation frequency, involvement, and environmental support/barriers at home, school, and in thecommunity) were analyzed using the Rasch model.
Results: The results of the Rasch model showed that it is appropriate to change the 7-point rating scale of homeparticipation frequency to a 3-point rating scale and the 7-point school and community frequency rating scales to4-point rating scales. In terms of the involvement rating scale under three settings, it was considered suitable tochange from a 5-point to a 3-point rating scale. In addition, the 3-point rating scales of environmentalsupport/barriers under three settings were deemed reasonable. However, the 4-point rating scales of theenvironmental support/barriers at home and under a community setting need to be changed into 3-point ratingscales.
Conclusion: The KPEM-CY rating scale was developed based on measurement variables using the Rasch model, andcan be applied for an occupational therapy evaluation. It is necessary to analyze the participation patterns ofchildren and the environmental support/barriers according to demographic characteristics and environmentalfactors.
Rasch model, Rating scale, Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY)
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