KMID : 0603920190270040069
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.69 ~ p.82
Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Community Participation in Breast Cancer Survivors
Kim Hye-Mi
Park Gyeong-A Park Jin-Ju Oh Myung-Hwa
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the self-efficacy, social support, and community participationin Korean breast cancer survivors.
Methods: Data were collected through questionnaires from 40 women with breast cancer in an outpatient setting ata hospital in H city, Korea. The instruments included self-efficacy checked using SESSM-B, social supportchecked based on MSPSS, and community social participation using K-CPI. The data were analyzed usingdescriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, and Spearman¡¯s correlation coefficients through SPSS WIN 18.0 forWindows.
Results: The mean score for self-efficacy was 3.70¡¾.38, social support was 3.49¡¾.66, and community participationwas 3.27¡¾.65, out of a total possible score of 5. In the results on the frequency of engagement in activities andthe percentage of participants who view activities as important, most of the participants reported that spendingtime with family, cooking and housework, and engaging in hobbies or leisure activities are important activities.
However, their frequency of such activities was low. Social support showed a positive correlation withself-efficacy (p < .01) and community participation (p < .001).
Conclusion: Implications for those working in survivorship care include the need to consider addressing theirassociated social roles, relationships, and responsibilities when designing strategies to increase the participation ofbreast cancer survivors. Additional studies are needed, however.
Occupational therapy, Breast cancer, Self-efficacy, Social support, Community social participation
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