KMID : 0603920190270040083
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.83 ~ p.91
Effects of Dementia-related Experiences on Dementia Awareness and Career Hopes of Occupational Therapy Majors
Kwon Mi-Hwa
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of experience on completed dementia-relatedsubjects, clinical practice, volunteerism, and social services regarding the cognition of dementia in occupationaltherapy majoring college students according to changes in the dementia policy due to an aging population. Thepurpose of this study was to provide a direction of education that can raise the interest in dementia and geriatricoccupational therapy of occupational therapy majors.
Methods: The survey was conducted online, targeting university students in Daejeon, Chungnam, Chungbuk, andKyungbuk. The questionnaire was conducted for one month from May 1, 2018, and 207 participants participated.
A frequency analysis, independent t-test, Pearson¡¯s correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression wereconducted for the analysis results.
Results: Dementia knowledge and policy perception were significantly higher in subjects with dementia-relatedexperiences, and dementia-related experiences and dementia knowledge and policy perception were significantlycorrelated. In addition, dementia-related experiences and awareness of dementia had a significant effect on careerhopes for dementia-related organizations, and the explanatory power of the model was 26.4%. The influence ofvariables on career hopes showed the need for dementia education, policy awareness, experience using socialservices, dementia-related subjects, and gender.
Conclusion: To increase interest in dementia knowledge and related policies of college students majoring inoccupational therapy, it is necessary to search for ways to provide various dementia-related experiences withinthe curriculum. Through this, directions for careerists hoping to achieve social change will be suggested, with thehope that it will help improve the professionalism of geriatric occupational therapy.
College student, Volunteer, Clinical practice, Occupational therapy, Career hopes, Dementia
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