KMID : 0603920190270040125
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.125 ~ p.140
Psychometric Characteristics for Clinical Application of Korean Version of Adelaide Driving Self Efficacy Scale
Park Myoung-Ok
Kim Myeong-Ju
Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the psychological characteristics of the clinical application of theKorean translated version of the Adelaide Driving Self-Efficacy Scale (K-ADSES).
Methods: K-ADSES was developed after a translation and verification by a group of experts. To verify thereliability and validity of the K-ADSES, 114 elderly persons with more than 1 year of driving experience wereevaluated using K-ADSES, K-SDBM and K-Drivers 65 plus.
Results: As a result of the content validity, the CVI score for all 12 items was an average of .95 points. Accordingto an analysis of the correlation between the evaluations conducted to verify the convergent validity, the totalscores of K-ADSES and K-Drivers 65 plus are r = -.644 (p < .001), and the total scores of K-ADSES andK-SDBM are r = .792 (p < .001). These results indicate a statistically significant correlation. The Cronbach¡¯s ¥ávalue, which verifies the internal consistency of K-ADSES, showed a high reliability of .975, and the test-retestreliability result shows a statistically significant correlation of .813 in the intra-class correlation coefficient.
Conclusion: K-ADSES has been identified as a driving self-efficacy measurement tool for older drivers withreliability and validity. Based on this study, it is expected that K-ADSES will be widely used as a tool to measurethe driving-related self-efficacy of elderly and vulnerable drivers in a driving rehabilitation clinic where there isno such assessment tool for driving.
Elderly, Self driving, Driving efficacy, K-ADSES
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