KMID : 0603920190270040167
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational Therapy 2019 Volume.27 No. 4 p.167 ~ p.182
Validation of Sensory Outcome Measure: Findings from the 2011 Survey of Pathway to Diagnosis and Services
Lee Mi-Jung
Ratcliff Karen Hilto Claudia L. Hong Ick-Pyo
Objective: To evaluate item-factor structures of the 15 sensory items from the Survey of Pathways to Diagnosisand Services (Pathways) and examine the best fitting model.
Methods: The study subjects were 1,968 children aged 6-17 years, who had ever been diagnosed with AutismSpectrum Disorder (ASD) and/or Intellectual Disability (ID). Factor analyses and item response theory modelswere used to determine the best fitting item-factor structure of the sensory items. The Strengths andDifficulties Questionnaires (SDQ) was used to test the concurrent validity of the sensory severity estimates.
Results: A bifactor MIRT model (a general and four sensory factors) was selected as the best fitting model. Allitems statistically fitted to the bifactor model (p > .01) and showed moderate correlations with all five subscalesof the SDQ (rs = .31 ~.51, p < .0001). The general sensory score differentiated the four different diagnosticgroups (ASD, ID, ASD with ID, and no current symptoms) [F (3,1961) = 207.4, p < .0001].
Conclusion: The Pathways sensory items yielded reliable estimates of the general and each corresponding sensoryfactor by applying a bifactor MIRT model. The sensory score can be used as a valid sensory measure in thepopulation survey.
Autism spectrum disorders, Intellectual disorders, Sensory responsiveness, Sensory seeking, Sensory sensitivity
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