Diabetes mellitus is a rapidly increasing metabolic disease that has a significant impact on health, quality of life and life expectancy of the patients. It also has an impact on the healthcare system and economy. The traditional management of diabetes consisted of diet, exercise and weight control to improve glucose homeostasis. In most patients, however, these lifestyle£modifying measures may not be sufficient, and drug therapies(oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin injection) are indicated. In addition to its adverse effects, drug treatment is not always satisfactory in maintaining euglycemia and in avoiding chronic diabetic complications. Various kinds of alternative therapies have often been used in chronic diseases, which may alleviate disease symptoms and improve the quality of life in some diabetic patients. Herbal medication may be one of the most commonly used alternative therapies worldwide; however, its safety, hypoglycemic effects and pharmacologic role have not been fully evaluated. In addition to herbal medicine various kinds of nutritional approach have been tried recently, and vitamin and mineral supplement were shown to improve the quality of life in some patients. Stress management through relaxation or by biofeedback technique were effective in controlling hyperglycemia. Although alternative therapeutics for diabetes are less likely to have the drawbacks of conventional drugs, potential adverse reactions should be kept in mind when also receiving conventional anti£diabetic medications.