KMID : 0614720090520080768
Journal of Korean Medical Association 2009 Volume.52 No. 8 p.768 ~ p.778
Headache in Adolescents
Woo Young-Jong
Headache is one of the most common medical complaints of adolescents. Estimates are as high as 40 to 70% of the population having some form of headache with up to 75% of 15 year - olds having experienced of significant headaches. While it is apparent that recurrent headache causes significant functional disability, a majority of adolescents with recurrent headache are not likely to seek a medical care. The diagnosis is often overlooked because of this tendency to regard headache as a minor nuisance rather than true disease or the physician¡¯s inability to appreciate its impact on the patient. In dealing with headaches in adolescents, physician must consider both physical and psychological factors in determining the correct diagnosis. The pathophysiology of specific headache type must be understood in order to provide the optimal treatment program. This article discuss the current classification and comprehensive management for chronic headache in adolescents.
Headache, Adolescents, Classification
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