KMID : 0857020050200010049
Kosin Medical Journal 2005 Volume.20 No. 1 p.49 ~ p.56
Change of NK cell activity in case of iron deficiency anemia adult patients
Kim Su-Hong
Seo Jeoung-Hoon Kim Yang-Soo Eo Wan-Kyu
Background: Iron deficiency is the most common casue of anemia worldwide. It is well known that iron plays an important role in the metabolism of may bacterial species. A reduction in immune competence by iron deficiency or iron excess might lead to an increased susceptibility of the host to infection. Investigations have been reported of alterations in the cell-mediated immune response in iron deficient human patients. Confounding variables in clinical studies, such as additional nutritional deficiencies, pre-existing infection or other concomitant disorder, make it difficult to conclude that iron is the only causative factor in immune alteration. In this study, we investigated the change of the cell-mediated immunity in iron deficiency patients.
Methods: Twenty four patients with uncomplicated IDA were included in this study. The blood levels of hemoglobin, RBC indices, serum ferritin, serum iron, and TIBC were measured. The indices of cell-mediated immunity such as CD3, CD56 and NK cell activity were measured. The indices of cell-mediated immunity were compared with each hematologic meal group. The correlations between hematologic indices, iron parameters and the indices of cell mediated immunity were investigated.
Results: The natural killer cell activity was significantly correlated with Hb(Spearman r=0.616 p=0.001), MCV(Spearman r=0.678 p=0.000) and MCH(Spearman r=0.721 p=0.000). But there was no significant correlations with iron, ferritin, TIBC and Iron/TIBC ratio. In Mann-Whitney test and Chi-Square test, NK cell activity was significantly associated with MCV, MCH and hemoglobin.
Conclusion: There was significantly decreased natural killer cell activity in iron-deficient patients. In this study, hemoglobin, MCV and MCH are parameters of the NK cell activity in cell-mediated immunity. As a result, iron deficiency itself is a determinant of the NK cell activity.
Iron deficiency anemia, cellular immunity, NK cell activity
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