KMID : 0857020050200010136
Kosin Medical Journal 2005 Volume.20 No. 1 p.136 ~ p.140
Epidural Blood Patch for intracranial Hypotension
Ryu Sie-Jeong
Headache is common disease we meet in pain clinic and has a various causes. Spontaneous intractranial hypotension (SIH) is rare cause of headache and develop without any history of dural puncture, suegery, or penetrating trauma. SIH may develop without any trauma history, so we can mistake in diagnosis and treatment as migrane or tension type headache. Most SIH patients present with a mild headache, which spontaneously resolved within a few day. However, some patients may have severe symptoms, including progressive postural headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, cranial nerve palsy, subdural hematoma and hygroma. It is necessary to make a correct diagnosis and proper treatment. We experienced two cases of SIH treated with epidural blood patch who failed to treatment with conservative and medication.
Intracranial hypotension, blood patch
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