KMID : 0857020160310020167
Kosin Medical Journal 2016 Volume.31 No. 2 p.167 ~ p.172
Catheter Fracture of a Totally Implantable Venous Device Due to Pinch Off Syndrome in Breast Cancer: A Case Report
Kim Yoon-Seok
Totally implantable venous devices are used in medical care for parenteral nutrition, vascular access, administrating chemotherapeutic agents and so on. Although the large variety of catheter complications, catheter fracture is a rare but serious complication. The pinch off syndrome is caused by the compression of the catheter between the clavicle and first rib, and may lead to fracture and possible dislocation of the catheter. We report here the case history of a patient with metastatic breast cancer who developed a rare complication of subclavian catheter fracture as a consequence of pinch off syndrome.
Complications, Incidents, Vascular access devices
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