KMID : 0857020160310020184
Kosin Medical Journal 2016 Volume.31 No. 2 p.184 ~ p.190
Knot Formation at Removal of an Epidural Catheter Placed Against Insertion Resistance Encountered at the Entrance of the Epidural Space
Kil Byung-Tae
Kim Bong-Il Kim Jong-Hae
Knotting of an epidural catheter occurs very rarely with an estimated incidence of 0.0015%. We present a case of an epidural catheter knot formed at removal of an epidural catheter following a forceful insertion of the catheter against resistance met at the entrance of the epidural space during threading of the catheter through Tuohy needle placed uneventfully in a 65 year-old male patient undergoing epidural anesthesia. During removal of the epidural catheter, significant resistance was encountered on traction and it was found that approximately 1.5 §¯ portion of the catheter had been retained within the patient¡¯s subcutaneous tissue. Firm traction was employed to withdraw the catheter against the resistance. The catheter was pulled out uneventfully from the patient. A knot estimated to be formed during removal of the catheter was observed at 0.6 §¯ proximal to the catheter tip. No complications and side effects were noted until the patient¡¯s discharge.
Catheters, Epidural anesthesia, Postoperative complications, Traction
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