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KMID : 0876920040080010035
Kwandong Medical Journal
2004 Volume.8 No. 1 p.35 ~ p.45
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice of physician¡¯s legal duty and medical law education
Kim Sun-Hyun

Kim So-Yeon
Lee Yoon-Jeong
Sohn Myong-Sei
The purpose of this research is to provide basic data that can be used to develop effective educational programs and to prevent medical disputes.

The results of the study were as follows:

1. 34% of the subjects have experienced medical disputes and 62.9% of the disputes were resolved by mutual consents 2. 98% of subjects had considerable psychological burden due to medical disputes and 72% of them responded that they had experiences of treating patients in a passive manner due to the burden of being involved in medical disputes.

3. All of the subjects responded that medical law educational programs were essential and that the education should start as early as from medical school.

4. Mean score of the subjects on the medical law test was 9.26 out of 16.

5. Subjects older than 35 years old, who had experiences of being threatened illegally by patients during disputes showed higher desirability for the educational program.

In conclusion, the study show that most physicians do not receive proper preparations despite their considerable burden about medical disputes. Their level of knowledge on medical laws is low, and existing medical law education programs proved to be ineffective.

Therefore, the early education on medical law as well as other supplementary training programs should be incorporated into the medical school curriculums.
medical dispute, legal duty, knowledge, medical law education
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