KMID : 0895919990010010029
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 1999 Volume.1 No. 1 p.29 ~ p.41
A Correlation Study of Burden and Quality of Life
Kim Eun-Sim
Ahn Hwang-Ran Bai Hang-Ja
The Burden & Quality of life is an essential component in health of the aged. But even though `A Correlation Study of Burden and Quality of Life in Family Caregivers of the Aged Bedridden¢¥ has been qublished in a western country, few studies in Korea have been conducted related to this concept.
This study was conducted to provide a basis for intervention strategies to minimize the caregivers¢¥ burden and promote their quality of life through understanding the relationship between the burden and the quality of life of the family caregivers of the aged bedridden.
The subjects were 79 family caregivers with the aged bedridden who utilize care in G hospital located within the Chinj u city limits. The period of the data collection was from April 10 to November 10, 1998.
The caregivers¢¥ burden was measured using the Burden Inventory Scale which Montgomery (1985) designed and was modified by Lee, Young Shin (1993). The quality of life was measured using the Ro¢¥s Quality of Life Inventory Scale.
The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS/pc+ program. The general characteristics were described in teams of statistical numbers and percentages.
The degree of burden and the quality of life were measured using the mean score and standard deviation. The correlation between burden and the quality of life was measured using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
The results of this study are summarized as follows :
1. The burden level of the family caregiver of the aged bedridden patient was 67 at the lowest point and 102 at the highest, with the average of 84.64, which is higher than 77, the median score of the measuring instrument. The mean of objective burdens was 42.53, the mean of subjective burdens was 42.11.
2. The score of quality of life of the family caregiver of the aged bedridden patient was 110 at the lowest point, 182 at the highest and 139.00 in average, which is lower than 141, the median.
3. The burden(total score) of these families: and quality of life of their lives were found to be in negatively correlated(r=.38, pG.01). The objective burden of these families and the quality of life were found to have a negative correlation(r= .41, pG.01). And, the subjective burden of these families and quality of life were found to be in negatively correlated(r= .147, p>.01). In conclusion, when the burden of family caregivers was high, their quality of life was low.
Therefore, when planning nursing strategies for caregivers of aged bedridden patients, the burden of family caregiving must be considerd in order toimpove the quality of life of the family caregiver who is caring for the aged bedridden person¢¥s family. Additionally, it is suggested that supportive care must be provided to reduce the objective burden of the family caregiver.
The Aged Bedridden Patient, Family Caregiver, Burden of Life, Quality of Life
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