KMID : 0895920050070020136
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2005 Volume.7 No. 2 p.136 ~ p.147
Analysis of Health Problems of Low-income Home Care Elderly at a Urban-Rural Composite Area
Ko Il-Sun
Lee Chung-Yul Lee Tae-Wha Lee Kyung-Ja
Lim Mi-Hae Chun Eou-Young Joo Yoon-Mi
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the health problems of low-income aged with chronic illness living in urban-rural composite area.
Method: The sample consisted of 440 aged who were receiving home care services from a public health center. MDS-HC was applied to analyze the health problems of the aged. Data were collected through a face- to-face interview by six trained interviewers from June 28 to July 15, 2004.
Result: Subjects had average number of 8 health problems in both urban and rural area. Lack of preventive health care measure, pain, and visual function were the most frequent health problem. The rural aged had more pain, bowel management problems, compared to the urban aged having more urinary incontinence and indwelling catheter. There were many health problems related to falls and pressure ulcers with middle-old aged in urban, and old-old aged in rural area.
Conclusion:The results of this study showed strategies for care intervention of low-income elderly to put in practice. Therefore, tailored-service for each subject should be provided.
Low-income, Elderly, Health problem, Home care service
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