KMID : 0895920050070020157
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2005 Volume.7 No. 2 p.157 ~ p.165
Analysis of Depression and Health Status in Korean-American Elderly
Jeon Eun-Young
Kim Kwuy-Bun Kim Sook-Young
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analysis of depression and health status in Korean-American elderly.
Method: This was a descriptive study. The subjects comprised 151 elderly aged 65 years or over living in U.S.A. The instruments used for this study were the Short form Geriatric Depression Scale by Sheikh and Yesavage(1986) and the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Korea by Wares and Sherbourne(1993). The data were analyzed using frequency, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation.
Result: In Korean-American elderly, 71.5% of subjects had depression. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that depression had a statistically significant negative correlation with health status. And elderly with depression were more decreased on health status than the others. Analysis of depression according to demographic characteristics showed that there were statistically differences for education level and type of income source. Analysis of health status according to demographic characteristics showed that there were statistically differences for education level, spouse existence, and type of income source.
Conclusion: It is concluded that more than half of Korean-American elder had depression. Therefore social support and health promotion program were recommended as the nursing interventions in order to reduce depression in Korean-American elderly.
Korean-American Elderly, Depression, Health status
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