KMID : 0895920050070020185
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2005 Volume.7 No. 2 p.185 ~ p.194
Perception of Somatic Symptoms and Related Variables Among Old Women
Chang Sung-Ok
Kim Soon-Yong
Introduction Pain was found to be common among old women. Older adults, especially old women are at risk of suffering from untreated pain. Thus, to provide them with good nursing care in community setting, the information about characteristics and types of somatic symptom are a prerequisite.
Methods: This cross-sectional study based on self-report data aimed to investigate the type of somatic symptoms and to explain related variables on somatic symptom among old women. Data was collected from 219 old women over 65 years old in a community setting in Seoul, Korea in June and July, 2000.
Results: 68.5% of subjects admitted they live with somatic symptom through aging process in daily activities. As for the types of somatic symptom, aging related symptoms were dominant such as arthritic pain, palpitation and dizziness. And as for related experiences for aggravating chronic pain, walking for a long time was most frequently reported experience. Through testing the three hypothetical models based on literature review, the relation of variables on perception of somatic symptom is that somatic attribution is influencing variable to chronic pain and depression and then chronic pain and depression is fluencing variable to chronic fatigue.
Conclusion: The finding indicates the old women were at risk of untreated somatic symptoms coming from aging and give useful information to construct symptom management intervention programs for the old women. The provision of good nursing care for old women requires systematic routines for frequent symptom assessment and based on accurate assessment, appropriate interventions are required.
Aging, Symptoms
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