KMID : 0895920050070020195
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2005 Volume.7 No. 2 p.195 ~ p.204
Effects of ADL, Self-Efficacy and Social Support on Life Satisfaction in Elders with Visual Loss
Chun Eou-Young
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing life satisfaction of elderly with visual loss.
Method: The subjects were 58 out-patients at one university hospital in S city. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire.
Result: Life satisfaction showed a significantly positive correlation with the ADL, and self-efficacy. In the regression analysis of the model I case, the main factors that affect life satisfaction of elderly with visual loss were 0.1 visual loss variable and social support, which explained 29% of life satisfaction. In the regression analysis of the model II case, the main factors that affect life satisfaction of elderly with visual loss were ADL and self-efficacy, which explained 20% of life satisfaction.
Conclusion: This research information can assist nurses in understanding the needs of the older individuals with vision loss and the effects of vision loss on life satisfaction.
Life satisfaction, Visual loss
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