KMID : 0895920050070020205
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2005 Volume.7 No. 2 p.205 ~ p.212
A Program Development of Community Health Care for the Aged Families
Kwon Young-Sook
Rhee Seon-Ja
Purpose: As a preparation for the increase in the number of the aged families, this study was carried out to present health care programs in accordance with the level of self care need of the old of the aged families in one city.
Methods: The home visiting survey to the aged families and the documents analysis of the elderly health service of public health centers were investigated.
Results: With respect to the self care requisites, the programs were identified to be necessary which are for the improvement of family function, cognitive capability, eyesight and for the control of depression and pain, health education.
Conclusion: The developed programs were divided to ¡¯wholly intervention programs¡¯, ¡¯partially intervention programs¡¯, ¡¯educative-supportive programs¡¯. They are ¡¯expert program¡¯(health visiting program, dementia program) ¡¯self-help program¡¯(senior center supporting program, religious facilities supporting program) and ¡¯health-promoting self-care program (self care program)¡¯.
Aged Families, Community health care program
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