KMID : 0895920090110020152
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2009 Volume.11 No. 2 p.152 ~ p.161
Effects of an Exercise Program using Social Networks on Elders with Osteoarthritis
Lee Myeong-Sun
Cheon Eui-Young
Purpose: This study was done to examine differences in variables by social network and the effects of an exercise program on physical function, self-efficacy, and depression in elders with osteoarthritis.
Method: Forty-six elders participated, 25 in the experimental group and 21 in the control group. An exercise program using social networks was given for the experimental group and the same exercise program without using social networks was given for the control group. Pre and post tests were conducted to measure the main variables.
Results: For both the experimental and control group, physical function, self-efficacy and depression scores were significantly different between pre and post intervention. In terms of the effect of the exercise program using social networks, there was a significant difference in physical function between the experimental and control groups but not for self-efficacy or depression.
Conclusion: Based on the above results, the exercise program using social networks can be utilized in the field of geriatric nursing as a nursing intervention for elders with osteoarthritis. However additional rigorous studies are needed to examine long term effects.
Arthritis, Aged, Social network, Self-management program
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