KMID : 0895920090110020236
Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2009 Volume.11 No. 2 p.236 ~ p.244
Analysis of the Nursing Practice of the Elderly at Home under the Paid Welfare System
Jee Myoung-Hoon
Choi Kyoung-Sook
Purpose: This study was done to examine nurses¡¯ work and roles by analyzing the nursing practice of nurses caring for elders at home under the paid welfare system.
Method: The participants were 352 elders receiving nursing care at home under the paid welfare system between Jan. 2006 and Oct. 2008. Frequencies and percentages with MS Office Excel were used to analyze the data. In addition, correlation between the number of illnesses for each patient and nursing interventions according to the age of the elder were analyzed using the SPSS program.
Results: The mean age was 78.6(¡¾5.95) years, 67.7% had high school graduation or higher education, the average number of chronic illnesses was 2.36(¡¾1.35), but over 92.6% had at least one chronic illnesses. Based on the 4 categories of the OMAHA intervention scheme, surveillance was the category with the highest frequency at 52.9%. The category of treatments and procedures was the lowest at 9.3%.
Conclusion: The results indicate that it is more important to manage chronic illnesses rather than acute illnesses for elderly people at home. So, home care nurses ought to have professional education and ability to assess health problems and environment problems correctly in order to make good use of community resources.
Aged, Homes for the Aged, Nursing
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