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KMID : 0964020020020010088
Journal of the Korean Liver Cancer Study Group
2002 Volume.2 No. 1 p.88 ~ p.92
5 Case reports of Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma
±è¹üÁø/Beom Jin Kim
ÃÖ¹®¼®/°í±¤Ã¶/¹é½Â¿î/ÀÌ¿øÀç*/¹Úö±Ù¢Ó/Choi Moon Seok/Kwang Cheol Koh/Seung Woon Paik/Won Jae Lee*/Cheol Keun Park¢Ó
Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, Factor ¥·, CD 34,
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