Applications of Fiber Reinfored Composite in Dental Practice Jin-Hyoung Cho Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University This case reports describe a new approach to the use of polymers in orthodontics, using a fiber reinforced composite(FRC). FRC was successfully used in a periodontal splints, fiber post for endodontic use, orthodontic retainer and space maintainers, implant prosthesis, large span bridge, management of cracked tooth, anchorage reinforcement in orthodontics. FRC has highly favorable mechanical properties, and its strength-to-weight ratios is superior to those of most alloys. FRC has potential for use in many applications in dentistry and is expected to gain increasing application and popularity in dentistry. These case reports show that FRC is a promising anchorage reinforcement material for use in orthodontic practice.