KMID : 1004520170330030207
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science 2017 Volume.33 No. 3 p.207 ~ p.215
Complete denture treatment using lingualized occlusion scheme at the edentulous patient with severely absorbed flat residual ridges : a case report
Choi Bum-Shik
Lee Joon-Seok
Many factors should be considered for successful denture treatment at edentulous patients: support, retention, stability, occlusion, esthetics, etc. The patient who has severely absorbed residual ridges, however, treatments are challenging to satisfy those factors. The dentures that use anatomic artificial teeth show good mastication efficiency and esthetics but, can easily lose stability at absorbed ridges. On the contrary, the dentures that use non-anatomic artificial teeth perform better stability but, lower masticatory efficiency and esthetics at absorbed ridges. The lingualized occlusion, using both anatomic and non-anatomic teeth, introduced for compromise those of the pros and cons. At lingualized occlusion, buccal cusps of the teeth do not contact on centric relation. Therefore, direction of the occlusal force towards lingually, then stability of dentures increases. This case report shows the results of the treatment flat residual ridges using complete dentures with ligualized occlusion to increase dentures stability and satisfactory of the patient.
edentulism, complete denture, artificial tooth, lingualized occlusion
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