KMID : 1004520170330040314
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science 2017 Volume.33 No. 4 p.314 ~ p.320
Esthetic prosthesis for a patient with the maxillary diastema: a case report
Park Jae-Ho
Kim Hye-Ran Yun Kwi-Dug Shin Jin-Ho Lim Hyun-Phil
In the treatment of esthetically important areas such as maxillary anterior teeth, they should be corresponded with surrounding tissues, and shape of the smile line, soft tissue, and hard tissue, also the anatomical shape and proportion of the teeth should be considered as well. Esthetic analysis includes facial analysis which evaluates the proper parallelism between the occlusal plane and the horizontal reference line, dentolabial analysis which assesses the position of the incisal edge and the coherence between the occlusal plane and the commissural line, tooth analysis which evaluates not only esthetics but also morphology and appearance for proper function, and gingival analysis which forms ideal outline of gingival margins. A maxillary anterior diastema can be esthetically restored through the systematic diagnostic approach and treatment planning, and orthodontic, prosthetic, and conservative treatment can be applied for the treatment.
esthetic analysis, maxillary anterior diastema, prosthetic treatment
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