KMID : 1013220080060010045
Jouranl of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2008 Volume.6 No. 1 p.45 ~ p.48
Status Epilepticus as a Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome
Oh Young-Min
Choi Kyung-Ho
A 57-year-old man was transferred to our emergency department with decreased mental status after organophosphate intoxication. He had a four year history of benzodiazepine and hypnotic medication use for chronic insomnia and a depressive mood disorder. He had no previous history of seizures, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. By hospital day 5, the patient was noted to be awake and to have repetitive jerking movements involving the left upper extremity, and appeared apathetic, depressed and less responsive to external stimuli. A benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome was subsequently apparent when he developed several generalized tonic clonic seizures and status epilepticus. Using a continuous midazolam intravenous infusion, we successfully controlled the refractory seizure without complications. We present a rare case of status epilepticus from a benzodiazepine withdrawal that developed during the treatment for organophosphate intoxication.
Organophosphate intoxication, Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, Status epileticus
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