KMID : 1013220160140020071
Jouranl of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology 2016 Volume.14 No. 2 p.71 ~ p.77
Clinical Characteristics of Patients after Aryloxyphenoxy Propionate Herbicide Ingestion
Lim Jun-Yeong
Moon Jeong-Mi Chun Byeong-Jo
Purpose: No studies have been conducted to investigate the acute toxicity of aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides in humans following ingestion. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the clinical characteristics of aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicide poisoning and provide guidance for physicians treating patients who have ingested these types of herbicides.
Methods: A retrospective observational case series was conducted using ten patients with history of aryloxyphenoxy propionate herbicide. Data were collected for clinical manifestation, management and final outcome.
Results: The most common symptoms were gastrointestinal irritation and an altered mental state (Glasgow Coma Scale<15). An elevated lactate level was a common laboratory abnormality, and prolonged QTc interval was commonly observed. These clinical features normalized within one day of supportive treatment.
Conclusion: The acute toxicity of aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides in humans is manageable with supportive treatment. However, physicians should take into account depressed consciousness, the possibility of arrhythmia, and an elevated lactate level when planning their treatment strategy.
Aryloxyphenoxy propionate herbicide , Poisoning , Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
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